Help with furniture

Released On 15th Dec 2021

Help with furniture

Mrs S worked for LBG for 13 years. She had a long history of depression and severe joint pain which affected her mobility. Following a fall she moved into sheltered accommodation which better suited her mental and physical needs but her old furniture didn't fit and we were asked if we might be able to help. One of our volunteers visited to meet with her and a family member to understand exactly what was needed and how we could best support her. We established that the lady's legs needed to be elevated to help her condition so we provided a reclining chair as a priority but also arranged delivery of a new mattress for her bed and a small table for her to eat at. Providing these items for a total of less than £2000 made a significantly positive impact on this former colleague's physical and mental well-being. Both she and her family were very appreciative of the support from the Benevolent Fund.